5 types of leadership the pandemic has emphasized (1/6)

5 types of leadership the pandemic has emphasized (1/6)

Projects Smart WorkPlace

2 min.

Primarily due to the pandemic the trend of remote working came to life or at least, accelerated globally. And even though there are little to none measures in place anymore in the Caribbean part of the Dutch Kingdom, remote working seems to be an aspect of our professional life to stick around. It is likely to develop more and more in various industries, even in industries where it didn’t seem like a viable option before.

But how did people in leadership roles handle this switch and what to focus on if you would like to start leading your team while remote working now?

We talked to Future Guide Raquel Weisz about this subject. Raquel is a specialist in training and coaching leaders and informing everyone who is interested in how to improve their leadership and communication skills in the workplace. One of her most recent published projects is sharing her knowledge through a series of podcasts on radio channel Paradise FM (Curacao).

Following are five statements that came up during our interview with Raquel. In articles appearing soon, we will dive deeper into the thoughts behind these statements.

1.     It is not actually remote working that worked its way into our everyday professional life, but hybrid working.

2.     Asking the simple question 'How are you doing?' can make a huge difference in your team members lives.

3.     Being aware of the different generational needs in your team is really important in helping your team grow.

4.     'Leading by example' isn’t just a buzzword.

5.     Leadership is about closing the gap between the needs of the company and the needs of the employees.

Did you enjoy this introduction? Let Raquel and the rest of our team know here!



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